Saturday 15 November 2008

Negative Equity

The practice has largely ended now, except for those being scammed. But the 40 year mortgage and no money down plan sold on the belief that real estate can only go up has some scary consequences. So, what happens when the real estate market softens?
For someone who put no money down on a $300,000 house with a 40-year amortization rate, the mortgage would be $311,100.
Amount of negative equity from Day 1.
Amount of negative equity if house values drop 5 per cent.
Amount of negative equity if house values drop 10 per cent.
For someone who put 5 per cent down on a $300,000 house with a 35-year amortization rate, the mortgage would be $293,977, including CMHC premium.
Amount of negative equity if house values drop 5 per cent.
Amount of negative equity if house values drop 10 per cent.

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